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“Thank you so much for making it possible to bring these two amazing people into our lives.”

– Saratoga Springs, New York

“You are my heroes. We can never thank you enough.”

– Ontario, Canada

We have been so blessed to bring another tubal reversal baby into our family.

– Buckatunna, Mississippi

“Ivy is our second Monteith Miracle!”

– APO, Armed Forces Europe

“It was a leap of faith and we have had a blessed journey.”

– Colorado Springs, Colorado

“Thank you for making our dreams come true!”

– Nebo, North Carolina

Our Facilities

Warm and inviting, our state of the art surgical facility offers safe, affordable & personalized tubal reversal surgery. Dreams of starting a family become a reality here.

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Benefits Of Tubal Reversal Surgery

There are many benefits to having tubal reversal.

there-are-many-benefits-to-tubal-reversal-surgeryThe main benefit of tubal ligation reversal is to allow you to become pregnant naturally. Permanent is not forever when you have tubal reversal surgery.

There are other benefits to having your tubes untied besides having a baby again. Many people are not aware of these other benefits.

Reversing your tubes can allow you the best chance for pregnancy success but it will also help relieve guilt and regret over a previous bad decision.

Reversal surgery may also help you treat abnormal symptoms that could have been caused by having your tubes tied.

Many women find that undoing their tubal ligation restores their sense of well-being and makes them feel like a whole persona again.

Reversal allows you to become pregnant naturally again but tubal reversal also helps to treat abnormal symptoms and remove overwhelming sense of regret over a previous life altering mistake.

Tubal Reversal Can Be Extremely Successful

Tubal reversal (untying tubes) can be very successful in allowing women to become pregnant again. With a successful reversal, each month you have a chance to become pregnant.

Over time those monthly chances add up and can provide you a better chance of pregnancy than the alternative treatment of in-vitro fertilization (IVF).

With IVF you can have a chance to get pregnant with each cycle of IVF that you pay for. With reversal you can have more than one child.

A recent testimonial proves the benefit of successful tubal reversal surgery.

tubal-reversal-twins-babies-number-6-and-7-after-reversalTotal of seven babies after reversal surgery

I will forever be grateful for Dr Monteith and his staff.

My twin babies are our 6th and 7th tubal reversal babies. We have been so blessed.

Patient age: 40
Tubal ligation type: Tubal clips (clamps)
Patient hometown: Smithfield, Pennsylvania

On average the pregnancy success rate after reversal is 60% and is much higher than the average IVF success rate of 40% per treatment cycle.

Tubal reversal surgery can provide you with a higher chance of getting pregnant and provides you the option of having more than one child without having to have multiple expensive doctors office visits and multiple injections of hormonal medication that IVF requires.

Tubal Reversal Is More Affordable

The cost of tubal reversal at A Personal Choice is far less than the cost of a single cycle of IVF.

More information: Cost of tubal ligation reversal

A single IVF treatment cycle can average $14,000. If increased dosages of hormones are required or if donor eggs or intracytomplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) are used then the cost of IVF will increase dramatically.

A testimonial from a reversal patient shows how successful reversal surgery can be for many patients.

Spent a lot of money on IVF

I spent a lot of money doing the in-vitro (IVF) here in New York and it never worked!

Thanks to Dr Monteith and A Personal Choice and to God for performing tubal reversal surgery.

I got pregnant 4 months after having the reversal surgery and that was in 2020. I gave a I gave birth in February 2021 and 6 months after giving birth I got pregnant again and barely gave birth again to my second son!

Thank you to Dr Monteith and all the A Personal Choice staff.

God bless you… always blessings… thank you for existing and having your holy hands.

Patient age: 30
Tubal ligation type: Resection (tied or cut)
Patient hometown: New Rochelle, New York

Despite what you may have been told, IVF is not your only option if you regret your tubal ligation. Tubal ligation reversal surgery is a very popular alternative.

Tubal Reversal Offers Natural Pregnancy

Many of our patients desire a natural pregnancy.

Obviously, there is nothing ‘natural’ about reversal surgery; however, many patients want to reverse the permanence they were told to expect when having their tubes tied and avoid the use of high dose hormones required for IVF.

I Was Only Advised To Do IVF

I just wanted to say thank you so much to Dr. Monteith.

Every doctor I saw told me to have IVF, but I did extensive research and followed my heart.

Our dream for a third child came to fruition due to your expertise.

I am forever grateful.

Patient age: 42
Tubal ligation type: Resection (tied or cut)
Patient hometown: San Diego, California

With tubal ligation reversal surgery pregnancy can happen naturally and within the protective confines of the woman’s body.

Tubal Reversal Allows More Chances To Conceive

Tubal reversal surgery allows women the chance to become pregnant every month and more than once. With IVF, the chance to become pregnant is limited to a single treatment cycle.

Reversal Decreases the Chance of Multiples

With tubal ligation reversal, pregnancy occurs by a more natural process and inside the woman’s body. The chance of having twins after reversing tubes is less than 1%. In comparison, the chance of having twins or high order multiples (triplets or more) with IVF is much higher.

The chance of a multiple gestation pregnancy with in-vitro treatment is 33%.

Tubal ligation reversal pregnancies are less likely to be higher risk multiple gestation pregnancies.

Evaluation Of Symptoms After Tubal Ligation

Some patients experience abnormal symptoms after their tubal ligation. Tubal reversal surgery allows for an evaluation of scar tissue or endometriosis formation which could be the cause of symptoms experienced after tubal ligation surgery.

Tubal Symptoms Went Away Then Came A Baby!

symptoms-after-tubal-ligationI went to Dr Monteith b/c of tubal ligation syndrome. I had had 5 cesarean sections.

Post tubal ligation I proceeded to bleed off & on for 2-4weeks every month for almost 3 years.

It was an extremely difficult time. After many second opinions we decided to try reversal.

About a month later my body returned to normal. Four months later we found out we were expecting!

More information: Getting started with tubal reversal surgery

This time around we opted for a VBAC & a home birth. Both of which were successful! I am so grateful for the decisions made. Thank you Dr Monteith & staff for listening & for your amazing practice.

The Lord bless you & continue to guide you all.

Patient age: 41
Tubal ligation type: Resection (tied or cut)
Patient hometown: Albion, Illinois

Most patients will not have symptoms after getting their tubes tied…but some will.

If you are having abnormal symptoms after tubal ligation then reversal may help you treat these abnormal bothersome symptoms.

Removing Regret

The feeling of regret can be very intense for some after a sterilization procedure. Many of our patients feel reversing their blocked tubes allows them to relieve themselves of this regret.

We Made A Good Decision When Having Tubal Reversal

After nearly ten years of living with the egret of having my tubes tied, Dr. Monteith was able to change our lives forever.

Welcoming Willow into the world was the most amazing and surreal thing.

We are so thankful to the doctor and staff for making it such an amazing experience and IT WORKED!!

Dr. Monteith was extremely nice and personable and I would recommend him highly!

Patient age: 30
Tubal ligation type: Resection (tied or cut)
Patient hometown: Sparta, Tennessee

Many of our tubal reversal patients express a greater sense of well-being and feel a greater sense of womanhood after their ability to naturally conceive is restored.

Benefits Of A Tubal Reversal

Although the primary benefit of tubal reversal for most women is restoring of natural fertility there are many other benefits form having reversal surgery.

Evaluation of symptoms and relief of regret and remorse after the sterilization procedure are additional benefits tubal ligation reversal surgery can provide to many women.

We encourage you to watch the video below to see the very personal experiences of other women who trusted A Personal Choice to perform their reversal surgeries.

By having your tubal ligation reversed with A Personal Choice, you will have reversal in a center with an international reputation for sterilization reversal and where tubal ligation reversal is the major focus.

You will not be talked into having IVF and you will have the best chance at reversing your tubal ligation procedure.

More information about reversal with A Personal Choice

If you would like more information about reversal with A Personal Choice then visit their website:
A Personal Choice or call (919) 977-5050 to speak with a reversal staff member.

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Have Questions? We’re Happy To Help!

We provide a unique surgical experience with personalized attention and one-on-one care. We make every effort to make your surgery less of a process and more of a life’s experience. Please use the buttons below for answers to our frequently asked questions.

Have a Question? Drop Us A Line!

If you are considering reversal surgery and have questions about the procedure, fill in the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can! If you would like to speak with a nurse for a Free Consultation then feel free to call us at (919) 977-5050.

Please view our most frequently asked questions before sending your questions.

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$500 Off March Surgeries

Surgery must be completed in the month the discount is provided. Discount is not available to previously scheduled surgeries.

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Tubal Reversal Or Essure Reversal

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