Where Patients Come From
Our center is the only medical facility dedicated exclusively to tubal surgery ligation reversal to repair blocked tubes and to reverse tubal ligation. We are currently located in Raleigh, North Carolina. Women come to our center from all over the world to have their tubes untied.
US Tubal Reversal Patients
This map shows that the patients in our tubal reversal study came from every state in the United States. The numbers from each state are shown in the Table 1. The top ten states where couples traveled from were North Carolina, Virginia, Florida, Pennsylvania, California, Georgia, New York, Texas, Ohio, and New Jersey. Women also came from over 30 foreign countries to travel to have reversal surgery at our facility.
Table 1. List of US States Where Patients Come From
State | Patients | State | Patients |
Alabama (AL) | 106 | Missouri (MO) | 125 |
Alaska (AK) | 31 | Montana (MT) | 22 |
Arizona (AZ) | 104 | Nebraska (NE) | 52 |
Arkansas (AR) | 71 | Nevada (NV) | 51 |
California (CA) | 462 | New Hampshire (NH) | 76 |
Colorado (CO) | 127 | New Jersey (NJ) | 213 |
Connecticut (CT) | 127 | New Mexico (NM) | 47 |
Delaware (DE) | 84 | New York (NY) | 400 |
District of Columbia (DC) | 12 | North Carolina (NC) | 1324 |
Florida (FL) | 524 | North Dakota (ND) | 24 |
Georgia (GA) | 459 | Ohio (OH) | 323 |
Hawaii (HI) | 14 | Oklahoma (OK) | 123 |
Idaho (ID) | 45 | Oregon (OR) | 74 |
Illinois (IL) | 270 | Pennsylvania (PA) | 519 |
Indiana (IN) | 152 | Rhode Island (RI) | 31 |
Iowa (IA) | 100 | South Carolina (SC) | 292 |
Kansas (KS) | 63 | South Dakota (SD) | 24 |
Kentucky (KY) | 67 | Tennessee (TN) | 185 |
Louisiana (LA) | 110 | Texas (TX) | 390 |
Maine (ME) | 66 | Utah (UT) | 46 |
Maryland (MD) | 293 | Virginia (VA) | 606 |
Massachusetts (MA) | 196 | Washington (WA) | 144 |
Michigan (MI) | 240 | West Virginia (WV) | 186 |
Minnesota (MN) | 128 | Wisconsin (WI) | 194 |
Mississippi (MS) | 55 | Wyoming (WY) | 14 |
The complete Tubal Reversal Pregnancy Study: A Decade of Observation can be viewed by using the following links: