Posted: 01.31.13
Name: Kimberly R.
Location: Sanford, North Carolina
Date of Tubal Reversal: 2-28-2012
Date of Pregnancy Test: 1-19-2013
Ligation Type: Tubal cauterization
Due Date: 9-26-2013
Remarks: We are so grateful for the opportunity to add to our family. It was a stressful 10 months trying to conceive, once I allowed myself to relax we became pregnant. Thank you to everyone that was involved in my care, you all are truly wonderful. Thank you again.
Posted: 01.31.13
Name: Jessica P.
Location: Webster, Massachusetts
Date of Tubal Reversal: 2009
Date of Pregnancy Test: 10/28/2012
Ligation Type: Coagulation (burned)
Due Date: 07/05/2013
Remarks: Thank You!
Posted: 01.31.13
Name: Amanda B.
Location: Mesa, Arizona
Date of Tubal Reversal: 03/24/2011
Date of Pregnancy Test: 01/28/2013
Ligation Type: Tubal rings or bands
Due Date: 10/06/2013
Remarks: We are being super cautious due to the two previous miscarriages that we experienced since the TR surgery. However, we are also being optimistic. I am taking progesterone daily to help things along since with my last miscarriage my levels were too low. I had my first blood draw yesterday and I am still waiting for the results.
Posted: 01.30.13
Name: Amy H.
Location: Galva, Kansas
Date of Tubal Reversal: July 16, 2010
Date of Pregnancy Test: January 14,2013
Ligation Type: Bilateral tubal ligation (tubes tied)
Due Date: September 17, 2013
Remarks: We were surprised to be pregnant again so soon. Lily (15 months old) was still nursing. The sonogram (1-23-2013) showed a perfectly placed baby. At only six weeks, the technician even managed to pick up the tiny heartbeat. It was incredible! Thank you again A Personal Choice!
Posted: 01.30.13
Name: Withheld for privacy request
Location: Withheld for privacy request
Date of Tubal Reversal: 10/23/2012
Date of Pregnancy Test: 1/29/2013
Ligation Type: Essure
Due Date: 9/28/2013
Posted: 01.29.13
Name: Denise D.
Location: Fostoria, Ohio
Date of Tubal Reversal: 02-15-12
Date of Pregnancy Test: 01-29-13
Ligation Type: Resection (tied or cut)
Remarks: Thank you Dr. Berger my husband and I are very excited. We will keep you posted.
Posted: 01.28.13
Name: Withheld for privacy request
Location: Withheld for privacy request
Date of Tubal Reversal: October 1, 2012
Date of Pregnancy Test: January 27, 2013
Ligation Type: Coagulation (burned)
Due Date: October 7, 2013
Remarks: I am having my first blood draw today since I did my urine test on a Sunday (yesterday) and will let you know how it goes! Thank you so much everyone!!!!
Posted: 01.28.13
Name: Christy E.
Location: Fort mill, South Carolina
Date of Tubal Reversal: 12/17/2012
Date of Pregnancy Test: 01/28/2013
Ligation Type: Tubal rings (bands)
Remarks: Don’t know the due date yet, but have a appointment for OB GYN on wed Jan. 30 2013, Ill post my results when I know. I took 3 tests on Sat Jan 26 2013, and 1 on Jan 28 2013 and all was positive.
Posted: 01.28.13
Name: Stacy A.
Location: Fall River, Massachusetts
Date of Tubal Reversal: Feb, 28,2012
Date of Pregnancy Test: 1,24,2012
Ligation Type: Essure
Remarks: Having the Essure reversal was a great decision. I was able to get pregnant 3 times. The first 2 pregnancies energy in a mc. So far this pregnancy is going okay. Praying it is our sticky bean. First blood draw was 34 and four days later my hcg was 354. Going in 2 more another draw. I am confused because I did find out early within the cycle. Only time will tell.
Posted: 01.28.13
Name: Withheld for privacy request
Location: Withheld for privacy request
Date of Tubal Reversal: 06/04/2012
Date of Pregnancy Test: 01/07/2013
Ligation Type: Tubal clips (clamps)
Due Date: 09/19/2013
Remarks: Thank you again! Sorry I didn’t report this one sooner. Levels all looked good and had an u/s this past Thursday, got to see the heart beat, due on 9/19. Feeling very blessed and praying all will continue to go smooth. Can’t wait to meet this little one!
Posted: 01.28.13
Name: Angel B.
Location: Weeki Wachee, Florida
Date of Tubal Reversal: 11/18/2009
Date of Pregnancy Test: 01/28/2013
Ligation Type: Tubal clips (clamps)
Due Date: 09/07/2013
Remarks: This has been an amazing journey for me these last few years. We came to see Dr. Monteith Nov 2009 to have my clips removed, it was such an awesome experience, i knew from the moment I met Dr. Monteith he was meant to be the one to do this surgery for us. since my TL i had 1 miscarriage 4 weeks after surgery , and then 4 weeks after that we got pregnant with our now 2 yr old baby girl Josie who was born jan 2nd 2011, soon after that i got pregnant with our now 1 yr old baby girl Jazlyn who was born Dec 17th 2011, when we got the TL my husband and i agreed we wanted 3 babies together, well I’m so excited to now be pregnant with our last TR baby, i hope to make this last experience i have to be pregnant the best i can… Dr. Monteith u have giving us the miracle of life and the chance to have our own little family and words could never express how grateful my husband and I are for choosing you 🙂
Posted: 01.25.13
Name: Stephanie M.
Location: Merced, California
Date of Tubal Reversal: Dec 10 2012
Date of Pregnancy Test: Jan 25 2013
Ligation Type: Resection (tied or cut)
Remarks: I’m so grateful that my reversal was a success and that I can get pregnant again. It felt more like a vacation at chapel hill because everyone took such amazing care of me!
Posted: 01.24.13
Name: Laura R.
Location: Biloxi, Mississippi
Date of Tubal Reversal: March 08, 2010
Date of Pregnancy Test: Jan 22, 2013
Ligation Type: Resection (tied or cut)
Due Date: Sept 28, 2013
Remarks: I pray this one is a keeper! Thank You Dr. Berger you have touched our lives again!