This is the story of Shalena who is a friend of Dr. Monteith and who traveled to America from the Dominican Republic to have tubal reversal surgery at our international tubal reversal center.
This is the second of two articles. The first article about Shalena’s tubal ligation and decision to have tubal ligation reversal is: Tubes Untied: Tube Reversal Patient From Dominican Republic.
Tubal Reversal or IVF?
Shalena had strongly wanted a tubal reversal; however, after talking with IVF specialists in the New York hospital were she was working, she was feeling pressure to undergo IVF. She called me for advice.
I explained to Shalena tubal reversal success averages 70% and chances of pregnancy with IVF is approximately 35% each cycle. Tubal reversal allows a chance every month to become pregnant- not just a one shot deal. I also told her tubal reversal is far cheaper and IVF can easily cost over $10,000.
Since I personally knew her work and living situation, I also advised her it would be very difficult to receive the hormonal medications, egg retrieval, and artificial insemination because she was flying back and forth from the Dominican Republic (where she lived) to New York (where she worked) every two weeks. I advised her this would be a logistical nightmare.
I did not want to make a decision for her. Professionally, I understand it is important for patients to make their own decisions about their bodies and their fertility. More importantly and more personally, I knew Shalena would blame me for any problem or complication and I would never hear the end of it!
I knew it was critical for her (and for me) that her decision to have reversal surgery not have any undue influence from me. I advised her to think about her decision between IVF or tubal reversal carefully.
Tubal Reversal in Chapel Hill
Shalena eventually decided tubal reversal was a better option for her. She flew to Chapel Hill with a close friend and had her preoperative consultation with me. It was nice to see her again. She was not as joking as I remembered her, but it was only because she was nervous about her decision, tubal reversal surgery, and the ever present question of would it really work? So many years thinking about it and so much effort trying to decide and now it was about to happen. It was understandable to be nervous.
Successful Tubal Reversal Surgery
Shalena had a successful out-patient tubal reversal. Her surgery lasted 62 minutes, her estimated blood loss was 5 milliliters (one teaspoon), and her tubal lengths after repair were 6.5 cm on both sides. Her actual tubal reversal incision is pictured here with a sterile quarter to give a better perspective of the actual size.
She returned to the hotel and was seen by our nursing staff the day after surgery. She rated her pain a 2 out of a scale of 10. She returned to New York and went back to work (against my advice) three days after her surgery. Since she was a labor and delivery nurse she promised she was not going to lift any big legs or babies! This was Shalena as I knew her and I just shook my head.
Chances of Pregnancy After Tubal Reversal
Shalena’s chances of getting pregnant after tubal reversal surgery were excellent. She reported a positive pregnancy test to us three months after tubal reversal. She saw her doctor and had an early ultrasound, which demonstrated the baby was in the uterus and was doing well. Her due date is July 2010.
Baby After Tubal Reversal
Pictured at the right is a 3-D ultrasound picture of Shalena’s tubal reversal baby. She is in the second trimester, things are going well, and she is having a baby boy!
I have suggested Carlos would be a great name but I don’t think she is going to take me up on this one.
Although things have not always worked out perfectly for Shalena, I want to wish her well and thank her for the humor she has provided me over the years. She has been an inspiration and has shown me that even in difficult circumstances and with lots of responsibilities you can still take chances and live your life to the fullest.
Submitted by Dr. Charles Monteith
More Information About Tubal Reversal
To read more personal stories about tubal reversal, readers are encouraged to visit our Tubal Reversal Blog. For more information about about tubal reversal, readers are encouraged to visit the home page of A Personal Choice.