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What Does Tubal Ligation Reversal Cost? What You Need to Know

what-does-tubal-ligation-reversal-costIf you’ve had a tubal ligation done in the past, you may feel like your chances of ever becoming pregnant again are slim to none.

Most people are not aware that one of the advantages of tubal ligation as a sterilization procedure is that it can be reversed. Although most health care professionals will tell you tubal ligation cannot be reversed….it most certainly can be reversed. If your tubes can be surgically closed (ie tubal ligation) then your tubes can certainly be surgically opened.  Your big question then becomes what does a tubal ligation reversal cost?

Your tubal ligation reversal cost will depend on your age, health condition, location, and more. Read on to learn more about how much these procedures cost and how you can pay for it and begin your pregnancy journey.

What Is Tubal Ligation Reversal?

Before we dive into the costs associated with tubal ligation reversal, let’s talk some about what it is. Tubal ligation is a sterilization procedure during which your fallopian tubes are cut, clipped, or blocked to prevent an egg from traveling normally down them. This prevents you from becoming pregnant, since the egg you release during ovulation can’t make it to your uterus to be fertilized.

Tubal ligation reversal is a procedure that undoes the changes made during a tubal ligation. This can be as simple as removing clips from your fallopian tubes or as complex as surgically reattaching the healthy ends of your fallopian tubes. After a tubal ligation reversal, you may be able to get pregnant again through natural means, rather than via IVF.

How Does It Work?

Your tubal ligation reversal procedure will look different depending on what sort of tubal ligation procedure you had in the first place. In any case, the goal is to construct a clear path from your ovaries down your fallopian tubes to your uterus so an egg can pass through with no problems.

If you had your fallopian tubes cut, your doctor will need to reattach the ends of the tubes together with tiny sutures. If you had a clip put on, your doctor may be able to simply remove the clip, depending on how healthy your tubes are underneath it. If you had an Essure device implanted, you may have to undergo a more complex procedure to have it removed and the effects of the device reversed.

Is It Effective?

Of course, the big question for anyone considering a tubal ligation reversal is whether it will work. These procedures can be expensive, and you want to be sure that you’ll be able to conceive after they’re done. The good news is that tubal ligation reversals are usually effective between 50 and 80 percent of the time.

There are several factors that can impact how effective your tubal ligation reversal is. As we’ll discuss more later, your age, general health conditions, and type of tubal ligation can play a role in the effectiveness of your procedure. Your likelihood of success will also depend on what sort of sterilization you had done, the state of your fallopian tubes, your BMI, and, of course, your partner’s fertility.


Age is one of the biggest factors in both your tubal reversal cost and its effectiveness. People under the age of 42 are about twice as likely to see positive results as people over the age of 42. In fact, people under the age of 35 are generally twice as likely to become pregnant after a tubal ligation reversal than after IVF.

Other Health Conditions

It may not come as a surprise that your pre-existing health conditions can have an impact on your tubal ligation reversal procedure. There are some conditions that make it difficult or impossible for you to get pregnant and carry a pregnancy to term, no matter what state your fallopian tubes are in. In these cases, your doctor may advise you not to spend the money on a procedure that isn’t likely to change your overall outcome.

Some conditions can also make even minor surgery difficult and dangerous for you. If you have one of these conditions and you do have a tubal ligation reversal, you’re likely to have to pay more for the procedure. Talk to your doctor about whether this procedure will be the right choice for you.

Pre-Op Tests

One of the first costs you’re going to run into during your tubal ligation reversal process is pre-op tests. At a minimum, your doctor is going to need to get an idea of what state your fallopian tubes are in and what will be involved in reattaching them. You don’t want to wait until the day of the surgery to find out that you’re not likely to have a successful reversal.

Your doctor will likely want to do an ultrasound at a minimum to get an idea of how your fallopian tubes look. They may also need to run some blood tests to check on your overall health. And your doctor may suggest that your partner get some fertility tests done to make sure they’ll be able to conceive before you go through with your procedure.


Another big factor impacting the cost of your tubal ligation reversal is where you live. In general, your healthcare costs are going to be higher in Maine, Texas, Colorado, New Jersey, New York, California, Oregon, Kentucky, Virginia, Nevada, and Oklahoma. You’ll pay less if you live in Tennessee, Alabama, Arkansas, Montana, Delaware, or South Dakota.

You may also have to pay more for your healthcare costs if you live in a more urban area, especially around a big city. Rural healthcare costs tend to be lower, but keep in mind that there are also fewer resources in these areas. You may not be able to find a doctor who has the expertise you need to perform a successful tubal ligation reversal.

Type of Tubal Ligation

The type of tubal ligation you had done will play a big role in both the success and cost of your surgery. In general, people who had clips or rings put on their fallopian tubes to block them off will have the greatest chance of success and the lowest cost. These devices are easily removed, and the more recent your tubal ligation was, the more likely it is that your fallopian tubes are still healthy and intact.

If you had your fallopian tubes cut, especially if the procedure was a long time ago, you may have to pay more for your surgery, and your chances of success will be somewhat lower. You may also have to pay more for your procedure if you’re having an Essure device removed. These removal and reversal procedures can be more challenging and may come with a greater risk of complications.

Average Cost

So how much are you actually looking at paying for your tubal ligation reversal procedure. With all the factors we’ve discussed, these operations can cost anywhere between $5,000 and $21,000.

If you live in a low-cost state, you’re under 35, and you recently had a ring or clip ligation, you’ll hit closer to that $5,000 mark. If you live in one of the high-cost states we mentioned, you’re over 40, you had your tubes clipped, your tubal ligation was a long time ago, and you have pre-existing health conditions, you could pay closer to $21,000.

In general, however, tubal ligation reversal costs tend to run close to $9,000. Depending on your doctor, this fee may or may not include anesthesia and hospital fees.

Insurance Coverage

Unfortunately, most tubal ligation reversals aren’t covered by health insurance plans. Insurers view sterilization as a voluntary procedure, so they aren’t willing to cover the costs to get it reversed. This means that you’ll have to pay all the costs for the procedure out of pocket, including pre-op examinations and tests and follow-up visits.

You may be wondering if IVF might be a better option for you, since those procedures can sometimes be covered by insurance. Unfortunately, most insurance companies have exceptions for people who have had any sort of tubal sterilization procedure. And IVF can cost between $12,000 and $17,000 per cycle, not including any fertility medication you may have to take beforehand.

Payment Plan Options

Most of us don’t have $9,000 lying around, so what do you do if you have to pay for your tubal ligation reversal out of pocket? Many doctors, especially those specializing in tubal reversal procedures, offer payment plan options. You can pay the costs of your operation off over a longer period of time, allowing you to start trying to get pregnant sooner.

Some people may choose to take out loans or put the costs of their surgery on credit cards. Keep in mind with both of these options that you’ll also have to pay interest rates, in addition to the cost of your surgery. Talk to your doctor and see what payment option will make your procedure most affordable.

During the Surgery

Knowing what to expect during your tubal ligation reversal can make the whole procedure less frightening. Most tubal ligation reversals are done laparoscopically, meaning the doctor makes a few incisions about half an inch in length in your abdomen. They insert tiny instruments that they can use to perform the procedure inside your body without having to do a full abdominal incision.

During the surgery, your doctor will begin by removing any devices from your fallopian tubes, such as rings, clips, or Essure coils. They’ll cut away any scarred or damaged areas of your fallopian tubes, leaving two healthy ends exposed. From there, they’ll use tiny sutures to reattach the two ends so your fallopian tubes can grow back together into one continuous path.

Recovery and Restrictions

Most of the time, tubal ligation reversals are done as outpatient procedures, meaning you won’t have to stay in the hospital overnight. You’ll be able to go home after three hours, and you should be back on your feet within just a few days. If you have your procedure done on a Friday morning, you could be back to work by Monday or Tuesday.

You’ll have some slight pain around your abdomen for a week or so after the surgery while your incisions heal. You may also have shoulder pain from the gas they pump into your abdomen during the surgery to provide room for the instruments to move around. You’ll probably need to avoid heavy lifting, strenuous activity, and sex for a week or two after your surgery while you heal.

Other Options for Pregnancy

While tubal ligation reversal surgery can be a great option for getting pregnant naturally, it may not be the best fit for everyone. In some cases, your chance of success after a tubal reversal may be low enough that it’s not worth the money or surgical risk. But tubal ligation reversal isn’t your only option to get pregnant.

You can get pregnant via IVF even if you’ve had a tubal ligation in the past. While this procedure can be more expensive, it can also be a good option for patients who aren’t likely to get pregnant through natural means anyway. You may also choose to become a parent through adoption or surrogacy, depending on your preferences and health situation.

Learn More About Tubal Ligation Reversal Cost

Tubal ligation reversal can be a great way to get pregnant after a sterilization procedure. These operations can be expensive, and you’ll likely have to pay the costs out of pocket. Talk to your doctor about how much your procedure will cost and what sort of payment options you can use.

If you’d like to learn more about tubal ligation reversal cost, check out the rest of our site at Tubal Reversal. We are the world’s leading tubal reversal doctor and have pioneered innovative techniques in microsurgical tubal reversal procedures. Contact us today and join our growing list of more than 12,000 success stories since 1997.

Need More Information About Tubal Reversal?

A Personal Choice Tubal Reversal Center is in Raleigh, North Carolina and specializes in tubal ligation, Essure, and vasectomy reversal surgery.

Dr. Monteith specializes in helping couples have more beautiful children with reversal surgery and helping women treat abnormal symptoms after their tubes have been tied!

If you would like more information about reversal, including the cost and success rates, then enter your email address below and you will be emailed more information about reversal.

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