Posted: 09.15.14
Location: Fayetteville, North Carolina
Date of Tubal Reversal: 08/2014
Ligation Type: Tubal clips (clamps)
Due Date: 05/2015
Remarks: I want to thank you Dr. Monteith and your staff for giving me the greatest news ever yesterday! I’m three weeks pregnant. I had my tubal reversal in august 2014 and no doubt it was a total success and a really quick one 🙂 i would have never expected to get pregnant that quick lol… I am really happy and thankful. After my surgery had my first menstrual cycle and immediately got pregnant….Thank you!
Posted: 09.15.14
Location: Urbana, Ohio
Date of Tubal Reversal: March, 2015
Ligation Type: Tubal clips (clamps)
Due Date: May, 2015
Remarks: So excited! Did two hcg levels so far and they have doubled!!
Posted: 09.14.14
Location: Springfield, Illinois
Date of Tubal Reversal: 06/2014
Ligation Type: Essure
Due Date: 05/2015
Remarks: I have yet to get to an OB/GYN. The primary doctor’s office wouldn’t see me and told me to speak directly with my OB/GYN regarding any testing needed.
Posted: 09.11.14
Location: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Date of Tubal Reversal: 06/2012
Ligation Type: Resection (tied or cut)
Remarks: This pregnancy was a tubal and had to be removed. I had emergency surgery last night. The doctor was able to save me tubes and ovaries.
Posted: 09.11.14
Location: Conway, South Carolina
Date of Tubal Reversal: 04/2014
Remarks: Only had first blood work draw and hcg was 11 so not sure what it was supposed to start out at.
Posted: 09.10.14
Location: Wendell, North Carolina
Date of Tubal Reversal: 10/2012
Ligation Type: Coagulation (burned)
Due Date: 05/2015