“I can not express to you how happy I am to have this second chance to become a mother again.”
Posted April 27th, 2010
I just wanted to inform you of the birth of my son, Gentry Louis, on April 18, 2010.
I had a Tubal Reversal on February 21, 2007. I had two miscarriages: the first in September 2007 and second in May 2008, both in the first trimester. I had my third pregnancy in August 2009.
I had no complications during my pregnancy. I delivered at 37 weeks. My son is healthy and weighed 7 lbs, 7 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. Born vaginally using an epidural at 5 cm.
I would like to thank you and your staff for operating in the gift God has given you which allows him to do his wonderful works of nature. I can not express to you how happy I am to have this second chance to become a mother again at a time in my life where wisdom and logic overrule selfish emotions.
Whenever I get the opportunity to tell my story which includes Dr Berger I happily explain why I chose him and why I traveled as far as I did to have Dr. Berger perform my tubal reversal versus someone locally. Dr Berger, you will forever be part of my conversation and I pray much success over you, your life, your family and your business.
Here is a picture of my son. Thank you again. You have made me and my husband Gentry very, very happy.
Sheila D.
Florissant, Missouri
More Information on Becoming A Mother Again