Getting Essure Coils Out!
Thank you for all you have done. I feel like a new person with my Essure coils out and you have allowed us this sweet addition to our family.
We can’t thank Dr. Monteith and staff enough.
Patient age: 35
Tubal ligation type: Essure
Patient hometown: Watertown, New York
Getting Essure Coils Out: Pregnancy And Symptom Relief!
Getting Essure coils out can help you to become pregnant naturally and help treat Essure related symptoms.
Dr. Monteith is an expert at getting Essure coils out of your body without needing to do a hysterectomy. If you would like to become pregnant he can remove Essure and reverse the blockage with a tubouterine implantation procedure. Dr. Monteith performs this procedure in his outpatient speciality center in Raleigh North Carolina.
Essure reversal is more affordable than treatment with in-vitro fertilization (IVF). The chance of pregnancy after tubouterine implantation is approximately 40%. Dr. Monteith recommends Essure reversal pregnancies should be delivered by c-section for maximal safety of mom and baby.
More information: Tubouterine implantation to reverse Essure
If you are having pain, pressure, abnormal vaginal bleeding, skin rashes, joint pains or other Essure related symptoms then Dr. Monteith can perform an Essure removal and tubal occlusion (tubal ligation) procedure. This leaves the tubes closed and there is no chance of pregnancy.
So…if you want to have a baby after Essure then getting the Essure coils out and having a tubouterine implantation is the procedure you would need.
If you want to treat Essure related symptoms and don’t want to become pregnant then getting the Essure coils out and having a tubal occlusion procedure is the procedure of choice.
More information: Essure removal to treat Essure related symptoms
Do You Want To Get Essure Coils Out Of Your Body?
For more information on getting Essure coils out of your body with Dr. Monteith then watch this video!