“I would like to thank Dr. Berger for helping me with my TR. I got pregnant on the first try and now I have twin boys.”
Posted April 13th, 2010
I would like to thank Dr. Berger for helping me with my TR. I got my TL in 2004 a year later I lost a son and didn’t know what to do. Soon after I wanted to have another child, though it took a while to gather all of my money/ It was worth the money & the wait. I got pregnant on the first try and now I have twin boys. I’m so happy and I can’t thank the whole staff at A Personal Choice enough.
Date of tubal reversal: 01/19/2009
Date of Baby’s Birth: 11/23/2009
Babyies Name’s Noah and Nasir
Baby’s Weight: 3 lbs 8 oz, 2lbs 14oz.
Number of pregnancies since TR: 1
Elizabeth B.
Durham, North Carolina
More Information on Pregnant on the first try