“My OBGYN was very impressed with Dr. Berger’s work, and has directed almost a dozen women to your clinic for tubal reversal surgery.”
Posted November 12th, 2008
Hi Laura,
I understand you were trying to reach me for my 12 month follow up after my tubal reversal surgery. Everything is going well – Jason and I had a baby boy on October 17th, so we’ve been a little busy!
His name is Morgan Matthew. He weighed 5lbs. 1 oz. and came via c-section. All is well here and WE’RE VERY THANKFUL for the wonderful experience we had with A Personal Choice – the nurses were fantastic! I’ve attached a picture of Morgan so you can see what Dr. Berger’s fine work made possible.
Jason and I are thrilled with our newest member of the family! This wouldn’t have been possible for us without your help and my Ob/Gyn, Dr. Chan. He was really impressed with Dr. Berger’s work. He couldn’t say enough about it! Morgan came by C-Section so I guess Dr. Chan took a look while he had the chance and with our positive feedback about the whole experience. He used to refer women to a hospital in Hamilton Ontario for tubal reversals, but when I contacted them before deciding to come to A Personal Choice, Jason and I were told we would face with no stats to support a positive outcome. Dr. Chan has now directed almost a dozen women to your clinic for tubal reversal surgery since we were there! I think one just went in October for the reversal surgery.
Words can’t express the joy you’ve brought our entire family.
Thanks again to all of you, We love our “Berger Baby”!
Jason, Elizabeth and Morgan C.
More Information on Tubal Reversal Surgery