Although in-vitro fertilization (IVF) is a safe medical procedure, IVF does have risks and these risks need to be understood before attempting in-vitro treatment.
IVF cycle non-response
Some women will begin their IVF treatment cycle but will not respond to the hormonal medications.
They will either not form eggs or form a very limited number of eggs. These women are considered non-responders (no eggs were formed) and will have decreased success with IVF treatment.
Cycle cancellation
Some IVF cycles will be canceled or terminated early because of non-response or too much ovarian response.
This means after injections of hormonal medications, the in-vitro cycle will be stopped and egg retrieval will not occur. This will happen either because the patient is a non-responder (no eggs were formed) or because too many eggs were formed (this increases the chance of high-order multiple pregnancies).
A condition called Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS) can occur from too much ovarian stimulation during IVF.
Ovarian hyperstimulation is a serious complication of IVF treatment.
IVF and multiple gestation
IVF has an increased risk of twins and high-order multiple pregnancies (triplets or greater).
High-order multiple gestations are at an increased risk of preterm delivery. Approximately 30-50% of multiple gestations will be delivered prematurely and may suffer the risk of prematurity. As a result, IVF pregnancies with twins or higher are considered high-risk pregnancies.