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Warm and inviting, our state of the art surgical facility offers safe, affordable & personalized tubal reversal surgery. Dreams of starting a family become a reality here.

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Bess’s Personal Story About Having Tubal Reversal Surgery

Bess came to A Personal Choice for tubal ligation reversal with Dr. Monteith.


Bess and Tim after their first meeting with
Dr. Monteith.

She started a tubal reversal prepayment account and was able to qualify for a $1,400 discount and have her tubes reversed for a really good deal!

She agreed to share her personal story about tubal reversal for the benefit of other women.

You can read Bess’s first submission here:

Low Cost Tubal Reversal Surgery: A $4,500 Surgery!

The following account of her experience was submitted by Bess after her reversal surgery was completed and she had returned home. This is her personal story about her entire reversal experience.

My Tubal Reversal Journey

So, here you are…you have narrowed down your choice to A Personal Choice (which you will never regret!) and now you might be wondering a million questions. I hope this little journey of mine helps make yours foolproof!

Before reversal surgery: My personal advice

discounted tubal reversal surgery  is available at A Personal Choice

Prepayment account patients can get reduced surgery rates.

Set up a Tubal Reversal Prepayment Account and even if you don’t like the dates available for special discounts, you will be putting money away and making sure you are just that much closer to your goal of being a renewed woman!

Decide to make this time before surgery a preparation time for your body. So…start eating right, exercising more, and getting rid of junk (smoking, alcohol, soda, fast food, herbal supplements, etc.) You want to be at your top physical best so you can recover fast and painless.

Besides, you want your blood work to be perfect. You are getting your body ready for a baby!

How to get ready for tubal reversal

If you have reached this point – congrats!!! This means you are paid in full and you have picked out a date!!!

In my experience, if you are more than 7 hours away drive, you are better to FLY! I say, 7 hours because my husband calculated the expense of gas plus the amount of time driving to airport, checking in long term parking for your car and waiting in layovers. Only if you are more than 7 hours away can it pay off. I was a 15 hour drive away, so I saved time and money by booking a flight. I was super worried about flying after surgery, but I shouldn’t have worried. It was so smooth and so much better than driving. I even booked on Expedia and saved $20 a ticket instead of a direct booking with the airline. When booking a flight remember these important facts:

• You need to make sure you arrive 2 hours prior to your pre-op appointment.
• Choose a flight with as little as possible layover for your return flight.
• You need to make sure your return flight is after noon on your post-op day.
• Pick aisle seats for your way back; first class is not necessary.

Remember to not drink GREEN TEA or take herbs. By the way, Airborne is OFF LIMITS. I got really sick the week before. I got a cold and knew that coughing would be incredibly painful so I did a water treatment (steamy water under a towel – breathe) to get congestion out. It helped a ton. Natural methods are possible. Stay away from Aspirin. Just pray for health and have a support group to pray with you. You need to be healthy!!!

One week before reversal surgery: My advice

DRINK, DRINK, DRINK – water, that is! Your body will need to be hydrated. Drink as much as you can. Plus this detoxes your body naturally and will give you a boost for healing.

Make a couple freezer meals or have some freezer dinners ready for your return. You will NOT want to cook. My mom kindly made me meals. It was a real booster for me feeling good about my family being fed so I could sleep once I returned. Tell your local church about your procedure and maybe a group of kind ladies can cook you hot meals – which is even better!!!

Which hotel to stay: Hyatt or Renaissance?

Hyatt House Raleigh best place to stay for tubal reversal surgery

The Hyatt is one of two hotels where
Dr. Monteith’s reversal patients stay.

Well, we chose the Hyatt. It is cheaper and closer to the grocery store. I HIGHLY recommend this hotel. It was in a perfect location. It is 4 min from the office and they offer free transportation to all your visits. Amazing service.

You can email the North Hills Transportation and tell them when your pre-op time is and they will be there early. Also, they can pick you up from the airport for $70, I’ve read. We had a relative pick us up so I am not sure of the details. The closest pharmacy is like 4 blocks away and makes a great pre-op-get-the-nervousness out-stroll, if you know what I mean!

For more hotel information: Where Dr. Monteith’s reversal patients stay

How to prepare for tubal reversal?

• Begin using Hibiclens soap – which does not look like soap. Looks and feels more like mouthwash. It does not lather and it is red in color. (At least mine was.) Start cleaning like they say – this will prevent infections early on. Remember not to shave, if you cut yourself, you could provoke an infection. If flying, pack this in its own ziplock bag for easy check through process.
• Pack thick socks or sock slippers. I loved these on my feet during surgery
• Pack BIG OL’ UNDERWEAR – like BIG, BABY! I wish I had these. Like ones that go all the way past your belly button. You will want like 5 of these for the days after too.
• Heat pad or electric throw. I wished I had this! Once home, I used these and I didn’t need so much pain meds. At the hotel, I shook in pain and if I would have had an electric blanket, I would have slept faster.
• Make sure your husband has something to do not TV related. I could not sleep because of Texas Walker Ranger shows. LOL.
• Yoga pants is a great way to travel home. Pack em!
• A pillow for the flight home to carry in front of your stomach. NO ONE will watch out for you. People text and walk and swing bags right at your belly – but a good pillow protects. Besides, if you cough, you will need it for support.
• Pads. More than likely, you will bleed a bit. And you can use a pad on your cut too to help cushion it. I started my period, best time to have one, if you ask me. Had no cramps with super drugs!
• Empty water bottle for trip back. Fill up after you pass security.

Day before tubal reversal

If you have made it to here, you are either really excited or jittery nervous. I think I was both. It’s ok! You can do it! Stay focused on the whole reason why anyone would ever do this: to be able to hold a baby again! When you get scared, focus on all the beauties of a baby: their smell, their smiles, the joy, the sounds, oh so much no one else can give you. THIS IS WORTH IT! So, let’s go!

Once you get to the hotel, check out your surroundings – especially for your husband’s sake. It’s a beautiful place. The hotel room is fantastic. The kitchen has everything you need. Remember to keep drinking. Fill up that pitcher in the kitchen and keep it full. Drink until like 8 tonight. (I know they say 10pm but I wanted to be completely empty – it will help the doctor see better). So, hopefully you can go out to eat for lunch. EAT LIGHT and DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL. You might be tempted but stay focused on your goal. Eat healthy. Remember, what goes in MUST come out and your body will take a bit to wake up. If you eat steak and are not able to get it out before surgery – you might be in pain after surgery. I had a LIGHT lunch: tomato bisque and a small veggie taco at Yard House. It was very, very good.

Tubal reversal pre-op consultation

For our appointment, we got to the front of the hotel 15 minutes prior our appointment and North Hills Transportation was there. They don’t have any words on the car nor any uniforms so you might have to ask, like we did, just to make sure. Hyatt is a busy hotel with lots of people coming and going.


Patient refreshment center in Dr. Monteith’s office.

Now, you know by now that Personal Choice is very caring and has treated you with top professionalism up to now and its not going to stop. Once I walked through the door, I didn’t need to sign in or tell them my name, they knew who I was. They expected me and made me feel at home. There is free coffee and water for our patiently-waiting husbands. I was weighed and had my vitals taken. I was super chatty – my nervousness – but they don’t mind.

You can see their facility photos here: Facility photos of A Personal Choice

Meeting With Dr. Monteith

Then, we met with Dr. Monteith. He has such a fun personality. He made us laugh and relaxed us. He drew pictures for us to show me worst case scenario vs. best case scenario with a tubal ligation like my pathology report showed. He was honest and up front and encouraging. I felt I could do this!

We went back to the hotel and since I have family in Raleigh, we went out to eat with my Aunt. No matter where you go, EAT LIGHT. We went to the Cheesecake Factory in the mall and even though it’s a special time – STAY FOCUSED on your goal and eat light. I had a Chicken Tortilla Soup with a little bread and a half a piece of Cheesecake. WATER, WATER, WATER!!! Then we went to the Drugstore – Walgreens – near the hotel that evening to pick up meds. I also bought Spirit – dumb idea – you cant have any SODA for 3 days after surgery. So it was wasted. I bought Gas-X but never used it. So I don’t recommend it. I DO recommend buying prune and apple juice though. And fruit at the grocery store – its got an amazing selection.

Go to bed early if you can. It may be the best sleep you get in the next 5 days. So, skip watching junk TV and sleep – enjoy the evening with your husband. You will be out of commission for a while, if you know what I mean! Don’t eat or drink after 10pm!

Tubal reversal surgery day

Wake up early to get a good shower. I prayed as I showered, once again for God’s favor to rest upon me and calm me and help my body begin even now to heal. I prayed for peace. My appointment was for 8:15 so I was up by 6 and showered (use special soap), packed and I did all this while my husband had a great breakfast downstairs. I did not brush my teeth – I forgot – but that’s ok.


Actual picture on one of Bess’s repaired tubes during her tubal reversal surgery.

As soon as we got to the clinic, everything worked like clock work. Kelly, our nurse, was a God-send. Her bubbly personality doesn’t even let you THINK fear. I loved that. I wondered how she gets her energy and wished I could be like that for others. Her encouragement is contagious and relaxing. I had a hard time following the robe directions – this one this way, this one that way. But she was patient with me. You have to pee twice – make sure that bladder is empty, remember? – so try to pee and try to poop too if you can – even better.

I have a terrible time with IVs so I was scared. BUT, unlike anywhere else, she placed a warm bag on my hands and it was so easy to get my IV in. I haven’t even bruised – first time ever!!! The IV was the worst part (and not even that bad). I met the operating staff. Everyone was in such great humor which helped me a ton. The anestigiologist, Bill, told me a joke right before I was out. It really was a delightful experience – thanks to their amazing staff!

You can meet each of these tubal reversal staff people here: Tubal Reversal Staff of A Personal Choice

You can read about Bess’s actual reversal surgery here: Tubal Reversal Surgery Discounts: Bess Gets It Done!

Immediately after waking up from reversal surgery

When I awoke, my husband was there and Kelly. She helped me not throw up – which I was sure I would – but never did! I was done recovering in less than an hour. I was walking to the car and hotel. I couldn’t believe it. I had 7 cm in each tube. I was incredibly thankful to everyone – to God!

I advise drinking again. Get drunk on water! Drink as soon as you can and avoid solids till the next day if you can. I ate nothing for lunch, just slept. It was best with two pillows under my legs and two pillows under my back.

It’s amazing but you will feel so much better by evening – trust me!

So stay focused on just getting to ‘evening’! If you feel bad, it will pass – and quickly. Take your meds and drink water. That day I drank over 5 pitchers of water. My husband kindly kept filling it for me. This will help you pee too and it will help you pass gas which is an amazing feat. I cut some of the Norco in half. I would take a half pill one time, full pill next time. I would coordinate the half pill with the 4 Ibroprophen. I did all possible to not be constipated.

Night of my reversal surgery and postoperative appointment


A group photo taken the day after surgery during Bess’s post-operative consultation.

By evening, I was starving and tempted to go out to eat. Don’t do that! I called room service and they didn’t have anything bland. DON’T DO SPICY! So, I made the trip to the grocery store. I HIGHLY recommend you try your best to walk there. It really, really, really helped. Plus the store is intriguing. I was tired to sleep when I got back and my bowels worked faster. I bought chicken broth, spinach salad, and prunes. Sounds gross but it was really good because I was hungry. I recommend moving. Get a good toilet distracter, because it might be painful to go at first. Good reading material helps. Try to move as much as you can. I would try to walk. I would be so stiff, but that’s ok. Walk, walk, walk.

They will remove your bandage and go over lots of details of what-ifs. It is quick and smooth and soon you will be on your way home. The worst part was removing the tape but the nurse, Lindsey, was kind about it and put a different tape on it which came off so much easier.

You can read about Bess’s post-operative appointment here:
Affordable Reversal Surgery: Bess Did It!

Traveling After Tubal Reversal Surgery

On the way home, the flight, I forced myself to get up and go to the bathroom. Not so much that I had to go but that I need to walk and move. That’s the good thing about flying and not driving. You can get up and walk – which will help the soreness. You will notice, if you are like me, that those first 3 days after, you will walk like a Grandma (hunkered over and slow). Try to walk straight but truly, the only thing that helps with this is moving. So try to move a lot. Don’t forget to drink. I asked the flight attendant for 2 drinks each flight. I forced myself to drink all I could. I wish I had a water bottle to keep filling up.

Bess and Tim take a selfie on the return home. Note the Green Hat...he won't let it go!

Bess and Tim take a selfie on the return home. Note the Green Hat…he won’t let it go!

So, only real thing I highly recommend once you are home is to try to have a BM. Sounds simple but really be proactive about it. Don’t wait till you’re constipated and bloated to feeling 6 months pregnant to do anything about it. So I drank warm prune juice with 1 tablespoon of melted butter, a long hot shower and it worked! Apple juice might work too. Drink this till you go, every half hour. This way you can still take the Norco and not feel bad about it. I got a call from Lindsey and two emails from her, checking on me. I never once felt neglected or ignored. I felt extremely pampered and appreciated.

So I am Day 3 today as I type this and I feel great! I have stopped taking the Norco. And only 3 Ibroprophen instead of the 4 – every 8 hours. I move easier now. I made breakfast for my family and actually came home to sick kids, so back to nurturing their ills, which I don’t mind at all! I did notice my incision is bruising. I know they said that was normal. It’s a yellow color with dark, blue tints on right side where they placed the knot. I am eating normal now. I had eggs and sausage with bread – oh how it feels good to eat! I am still drinking and moving around the house: laundry, dishes – NO LIFTING though.

Coughing hurts! And made me cry once. But what I do to help is sit down, place a pillow on my abdomen, cross my legs and bend down, cough as low to the ground as I can. This helps. Sounds strange but does.

I can say, I have read lots of forums and lots of womens’ experiences with horrible pain and terrible recovery. While a lot of the consequences may have to do with poor choices (not drinking and eating right) A LOT has to do with the doctor, the meds he gives, the incision he makes, the care you get after and the follow up support you will receive or not receive.

gifts from kids

Get well notes from kids welcoming Bess home.

I believe that at Personal Choice, I made the best choice for my care and THIS made a big difference for my recovery. If you are about to take the plunge at Personal Choice, you too are in great hands!

I wish you a great journey towards healing. I hope my experience will encourage you greatly. Be bold. The benefits out way the risks. And now we are free to live life to the fullest!

Thank you Dr. Monteith and the most amazing staff I have ever met! Now, would it be possible for you, Dr Monteith and staff, to deliver our future babies?

Submitted by Bess Tubal Reversal patient of A Personal Choice

Need More Information About Tubal Reversal?

A Personal Choice Tubal Reversal Center is in Raleigh, North Carolina and specializes in tubal ligation, Essure, and vasectomy reversal surgery.

Dr. Monteith specializes in helping couples have more beautiful children with reversal surgery and helping women treat abnormal symptoms after their tubes have been tied!

If you would like more information about reversal, including the cost and success rates, then enter your email address below and you will be emailed more information about reversal.

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Women who need more advice about reversal are encouraged to join A Personal Choice’s public Facebook group:

Facebook Tubal Reversal Group of A Personal Choice

By joining the group you can communicate with other women who have had successfully reversed their tubal ligation and restored their natural fertility.

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We provide a unique surgical experience with personalized attention and one-on-one care. We make every effort to make your surgery less of a process and more of a life’s experience. Please use the buttons below for answers to our frequently asked questions.

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If you are considering reversal surgery and have questions about the procedure, fill in the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can! If you would like to speak with a nurse for a Free Consultation then feel free to call us at (919) 977-5050.

Please view our most frequently asked questions before sending your questions.

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