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Warm and inviting, our state of the art surgical facility offers safe, affordable & personalized tubal reversal surgery. Dreams of starting a family become a reality here.

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Tubal Reversal Grant Winners: Meet The 2021 Free Reversal Contest Winners

Our Free Tubal Reversal Contest is not exactly a tubal reversal grant but it does offer a chance to win a free tubal reversal surgery. So it might as well be a tubal reversal grant.

The 2021 Free Tubal Reversal Grant Contest has come and gone. We can say, without a doubt, this year’s contest was a huge success.

There were over 2,500 applications and three lucky people were selected for free reversal surgery. Winners were notified in September and surgeries were performed on the last office day of the year.

The three winners have successfully completed their surgeries. Everything went great!

There were no complications, all patients had fallopian tubes that could be repaired, and the winners have safely returned home to recover and enjoy the holidays with their families.

The next contest, the 2022 Free Tubal Reversal Grant Contest, will reopen in January of 2022. The grant contest can easily be found on our A Personal Choice website under the “About” section. We won’t start accepting new applications until January 2022.

If you have been following this contest closely you may be interested to learn more about the details of each of the tubal reversal winners. You should continue reading.

If you would like to learn more about the winners of the previous contest, the first ever free tubal reversal grant contest, then visit: Free tubal reversal grant winners 2020

Paola: Coerced, Forced Tubal Ligation

Paula is originally from Mexico but she now lives and works in Oklahoma. Paula is 29 year old mother of two. Adolfo is her partner and he does not have children. Paula has had two C-sections. She was coerced into having her tubal ligation at the time of her last C-section and she has regretted her decision ever since.

a-personal-choice-free-tubal-reversal-contest-winner-a-personal-choice-raleigh-north-carolinaPaula said she first found out about A Personal Choice from Adolfo’s sister-in-law. His sister-in-law had a successful reversal with Dr. Monteith and has had two tubal reversal babies. Paula said she looked at the website of A Personal Choice and knew she wanted tubal reversal.

She saw what the cost of tubal reversal was and she immediately started saving. She new she would have to save a lot or finance her surgery.

Paula’s situation is unfortunate but very very common. Many women feel coerced or tricked into having a tubal ligation. Going through pregnancy is stressful. There are many life pressures that come to bear around the time of birth. Unfortunately, many women make the ‘decision’ to have a tubal ligation and they soon grow to regret that decision.

Paula’s situation was slightly different. In Mexico many doctors will tie the tubes of poor/uneducated women who they think already have too many children. These doctors will not tell the patient a tubal ligation was done. We have seen this many, many times. It is not a myth.

Paula’s first C-section was a bikini cut incision which is very very rare in Mexico. Most c-sections in Mexico are done with a vertical, or ‘up and down’ type of incision.

When she went to the hospital to deliver her second baby the doctors told her they were going to cut her up and down…from pubic area to belly button if she did not sign the papers for the tubal ligation to be done during her second C-section.

Paula was told by her doctor if she did not have a tubal ligation not only were they going to cut her up and down…but there was also going to be a delay in starting her surgery and her baby could die.

Being a young, single mother with a young child at home and one on the way, one can easily see why a woman would consent to a tubal ligation.

From a medical/surgical perspective, this is absolute non-sense and there is no legitimate reason to change the type of incision at the time of C-section because of a tubal ligation.

Being a young mother with a lot of responsibility, Paula was scared and ‘made the decision’ to have a tubal ligation.

Paola: “I was young. I did not know how to fight for my rights.”

Paola’s statement was translated from Spanish into English. Hello, my name is Paola. I have two kids. When my second child was born, I was forced to accept a tubal ligation. The birth of my second child happened in the famous IMSS in Mexico. Which is a government medical clinic.

I was young and did not know how to fight for my rights. I was only 22.

I was taken care of by some medical practitioners from the moment I arrived to the emergency room. They were very persistent on me signing the tubal ligation consent. I refused to sign the form until they told me I would miss the delivery time and I would lose my baby. The also told me they were going to practice a vertical C-section. I already had a horizontal C-section from my first child. I was afraid at that point of the outcome for refusing a tubal ligation. Just like every mom does, I put my baby first. I ended up agreeing to their terms even if I did not want to.

At the time of the procedure, I noticed the staff was not the same since there was a shift change. There was also the Mexican Navy holiday. As I was being prep for anesthesia, there was nothing else I could do. Unfortunately, I was treated with little tact and attention. I was discharged the next day with only my discharged documents. The only thing I know was that I had a salpingectomy. The documents only stated I had a baby. I tried to get my medical records but was told I could not get information since I was not patient. I came out of the clinic with mixed emotions. On one end, I was happy for the birth of my second child but at the same time I was sad since they had ended my possibilities for future pregnancies. It has been very hard since then, I had always dreamed of having a big family. I was raised in a big family. My parents have many siblings and I have always had a need for a big family. Whatever they did to me was not something I wanted, but as mentioned before I was inexperienced. A year ago, I married a wonderful man who loves my children and me. He, however, does not have any kids and I would love to give him that happiness.

After talking with different people about the this topic, I came across one person that gave me happiness. She told me about this wonderful place. She was a patient and is now expecting her second child after her tubal reversal. This brought me hope and happiness. I was fascinated that she was able to achieve what I thought was impossible. She showed me all there is to know about tubal reversal. I was lucky to find information about the Tubal Reversal Grant contest.

I was given hope since I did not know this was possible. I did not know there was even an option to be able to become pregnant again. This is the reason why I would love to be chosen for the “Free Tubal Reversal Surgery”. It is amazing to find doctors who love what they do.

Paula’s Tubal Reversal Surgery

Paula and Adolfo arrived for their consultation with Dr. Monteith on Wednesday December 15th. Her surgery was on Thursday December 16th.

tubal-ligation-in-mexico-tubal-reversal-raleigh-north-carolinaDr. Monteith was concerned Paula’s tubes may not be repairable. Many tubal ligations in Mexico are aggressive, sloppy, and cannot be repaired.

Dr. Monteith’s concerns were increased because Paula’s tubal ligation was done in a social service public hospital in Mexico, there were no records, and Paula self-reported having a ‘salpingectomy’. Without records, Dr Monteith did not know what to expect.

Salpingectomy: “salping” = fallopian tube and “ectomy” = removal. So the concern was that Paula’s fallopian tubes may been removed completely…100%…the entire tube.

Technically, all tubal ligations are salpingectomy…or removal of a small part of the tube. The term salpingectomy when used by itself is vague and not specific.

Most tubal ligations are ‘partial salpingectomy’, which means they remove a small part of each fallopian tube. This is the most common type of tubal ligation and this tubal ligation is very reversible.

‘Total salpingectomy’ , which means they remove the total or entire tube. This is not reversible because the entire tubes are removed.

If the note or doctor says just ‘salpingectomy’ they could have meant either partial or total.

Dr. Monteith was so concerned he offered to perform a screening laparoscopy without charge. The Free Tubal Reversal Contest allows the winner to get a free tubal reversal surgery but does not include laparoscopy. Dr. Monteith was concerned about the possibility Paula’s tubal ligation could not be reversed. He offered the screening laparoscopy procedure to her because he did not want to perform an unnecessary incision only to then determine her tubes could not be repaired. Paula gladly accepted.

More information: Benefits of screening laparoscopy

Paula’s surgery went well. The screening laparoscopy revealed Paula did not have any scar tissue and both of her tubes could be repaired. Her tubal lengths after repair were 6 and 8 cms.

Unfortunately the doctors removed the fimbrial end of one tube and this required a specialized repair procedure called a salpingostomy or fimbriectomy reversal.

Paula was lucky only one tube had a small piece removed from the middle of the tube. Her chances of pregnancy after repair of this tube would be about 70%.

Unfortunately the doctors removed the fimbiral end of the other tube. This was a crazy finding.

  • With a postpartum tubal ligation (done soon after a vaginal birth with a small incision in the belly button) it can be common for doctors not to see both tubes equally and remove the end of one tube.
  • During an uncomplicated C-section doctors can usually see each tube equally…so there was really no reason to tie each tube differently.

Dr. Monteith was able to repair the fimbriectomy and provide Paula with a 20-40% chance of pregnancy for that side alone.

Paula’s overall chance of pregnancy is about 70% but with one side optimally repaired and they other side with a less favorable type of repair it could take longer to realize the 70% chance of success (1 to 2 years).

Paula and Adolfo returned the day after her surgery. She was doing well and in minimal pain. They were both very appreciative. We wish them well as they return home to Oklahoma.

Latifa: “So Much Stuff Was Going On In My Life”

Latifa and Kori are from Winston Salem, NC. Thankfully, they did not have far to travel to cash in on her tubal reversal grant winnings. Most patients who come to us for tubal reversal surgery have at least a 2 to 3 hour plane ride or 5 to 8 hour car drive. Some patients even come from other countries.

Latifa is a 33 year old mother of three. Kori does not have any kids. They have been together for one and a half years. They met at work and they would like to have a baby together.

Latifa has had three C-sections. She had a ligation and resection (tying and cutting) type tubal ligation. She said after the birth of her last child she ‘had so much stuff going on’.

It was a stressful time in her life. She remembers the nurse in the hospital telling her “Don’t do it…don’t get your tubes tied” but Latifa was determined to escape her stressful situation. She had her tubes tied and was content with this situation until she met Mr. Kori.

She first found out about A Personal Choice after a lot of on-line research. She said she was surfing the web and stumbled upon our Tubal Reversal videos. Latifa watched all of our videos at 4am in the morning!

She found the free reversal grant contest and thought she would give it a shot…so she entered.

You can’t win a tubal reversal grant if you don’t enter!

Latifa: “All I need is a helping hand”

The following was Latifa’s contest statement.

I should be selected for a free tubal reversal grant because I’m a awesome, and loving mother of three who still have so much love to give to another. On September 1, 2017 I made by far the the worst decision ( which I thought was best at the time) to get my tubes tied after having my youngest son via c-section. Please allow me to explain.

latifa-is-a-winner-of-the-free-tubal-reversal-contest-2021-a-personal-choiceJanuary 13, 2016 I lost my daughter. On January 13, 2017, I found out I was pregnant with my youngest son! I was extremely happy, but also scared I would lose him as well. I drove myself crazy the entire pregnancy always thinking something will go wrong. I couldn’t bare the emotional stress I’d cause myself, so I decided to get a tubal ligation. Not to mention the relationship I was in was on thin ice. The nurse pleaded with me not to get the surgery.

It finally hit me 2 years later that I really couldn’t have anymore children. This last year I’ve been looking up tubal ligation success stories, the cost, the best doctors etc. Each time I’ve came across Dr. Monteith. I even called the office to get additional information. I’ve been trying to save just so I could get this surgery, and add one more addition to my family with the love of my life. He loves children! He also love my children as if they were his own. My spouse doesn’t have any children. I would do anything to change that!

It’s 4 am and I’m surfing the web. Once again, I came across Dr. Monteith and this awesome Free Tubal Reversal Contest.  I see how he has helped other families dealing with the same issues as me. I pray I win this contest and be given a second chance to bring another beautiful soul into this world! I would NEVER rob myself again of creating something so precious. All I need is a helping hand.

Latifa’s Tubal Reversal Surgery

We always ask patients what went through their mind when they were called and notified they were a tubal reversal grant winner.

Months later most have forgotten they entered the contest. Many think it is a scam. Latifa said she knew Dr. Monteith/A Personal Choice was legit from the glowing Google reviews and patient post in the tubal reversal Facebook group…so she was not too worried.

latifa-was-tubal-reversal-grant-winner-greensboro-ncWhen she got the call letting her know she had won she said she was excited. Kori said he thought Latifa was joking with him but admitted they were both very, very excited.

Latifa and Kori arrived for their consultation with Dr. Monteith on Wednesday December 15th. Her surgery was on Thursday December 16th.

Latifa’s reversal surgery went well. She had a history of three C-sections and she did have scar tissue (her uterus was stuck to her muscles from the C-sections) but not enough to prevent her tubes from being repaired.

More information: Scar tissue after C-sections: How does it cause problems?

Her tubes were in good shape because her doctor did not remove too much during her ligation and resection tubal. Her tubal lengths were 6 and 7 cms. The estimated blood loss was less than 4mL (1 to 2 teaspoons).

The first thing patients want to know when they wake up from surgery is what are the lengths of their tubes? Patients who have done their research understand the longer the tubes after reversal then the higher the chance of pregnancy.

More information: Fallopian tube length and chances of pregnancy after reversal

Latifa returned for her post-operative consultation with Dr. Monteith on December 17th. She was doing great and Kori was a really good nurse after surgery. They returned home and thankfully did not have far to go.

We wish them well on their journey.

Linsay: Tubal Ligation Because of Birth Control Failure

Linsay is a 34 year old mother of two. She has been married to the same partner, Kenneth, and her children are ages 14 and 13.

The majority of tubal reversal patients come for reversal to have more children because they are in a new relationship. Often the new partner does not have any children…sometimes they just want to have a child together to enrich their marital bond. Linsay and Kenneth have always been married and both of the children are theirs together.

Linsay’s story does illustrate another common reason women get tubal ligation: birth control failure.

Linsay became pregnant with her first child while on the depoprovera injection. With her second child….less than a year later….she became pregnant while breast feeding, which is usually decreases the chance of pregnancy. So Linsay essentially had failure of birth control and two young children about a year apart.

Nothing makes women consider tubal ligation like having young children close in age…. or twins after having several other children.

As her children became older, Linsay began to regret her decision to have children. She initially thought her tubes were ‘cut, tied, and burned’ and she was told that reversal was not possible.

fallopian-tubal-rings-can-easily-be-reversed-by-dr-monteith-a-personal-choiceCut, tied, and burned is not a tubal ligation method. What it is though….is a way women ask for tubal ligation and reinforce the concept that they want it to work….they dont want a failure… and they dont want another child.

When doctors tell patients ‘they cut tied and burned’ a patients tubes they are just trying to reassure the patient they won’t have a tubal ligation failure. Often these tubal ligations can be reversed.

There really is no such thing as a ‘cut, tied, and burned’ tubal ligation.

Linsay began to investigate tubal reversal and came across Dr Monteith’s A Personal Choice website. After seeing the website she requested her tubal ligation records. She was pleasantly surprised to learn that her tubes were not ‘cut tied and burned’ but, rather, she had tubal rings.

Tubal rings are a great method for reversal. The chances of pregnancy after tubal ring reversal could be as high as 80%.

Linsay entered the contest and was hopeful she would win. Linsay considers herself a lucky and fortunate person because she has won many contests during her life.

When she was notified she was not surprised. She thought it was super cool and was excited. She continues to think of herself as a very lucky person.

Linsay: We Have So Much Love To Give

The following was Linsay’s tubal reversal grant contest statement.

linsey-free-tubal-reversal-contest-winner-dr-monteithMy name is Linsay and I am 34 years old. I am married to my high school sweetheart and we have been together 18 years now. We are both veterans of the United States Marine Corps with honorable discharges. I worked in Criminal Investigation and my husband went to Iraq 3 times as an infantryman between 2006 – 2010. We have been foster parents for hard to place teenagers, and I am currently attending Spring Arbor University getting a master’s degree in counseling with an emphasis on childhood trauma. My husband is a mechanic on the machines at a large bakery where he has been employed for 11 years now. We live in a large farmhouse on 25 acres.

We can offer a large loving family with lots of close relatives around, 6 cousins, stable parents who have been married 15+ years, a dog, horses, a cow, angora rabbits, chickens, and a large garden to play in to our future child. We enjoy hiking and riding 4 wheelers. We spend time outside enjoying nature every chance we get. When I was 21 years old we made the decision to get my “tubes tied” via the falope ring method because we felt our family was complete, but now believe we were incorrect. I have all my operative notes and even photos they took when they placed the rings. I have had day 3 fertility blood work completed in the last couple months and all my numbers were great.

I ovulate regularly on a 30 day cycle. have been told I am a great candidate for the reversal, but University of Michigan wants over $12,000 for the surgery and while we have a steady income, good insurance, and the capability to give a child everything they need for a happy life we just can’t afford that much money at this point which brings me to my next point and why I am in a hurry to get a reversal.

I was recently diagnosed with a BRCA1 gene mutation making my chances of breast and ovarian cancer much higher than normal. I will be getting a preventative mastectomy and oophorectomy around the time I turn 40 in order to prevent these cancers. Winning this contest would help us complete our family before the necessary surgeries for the BRCA1 gene mutation.

I probably don’t deserve this surgery more than anyone else, but I hope we are selected as a winning couple because we have so much love to give and it would be a dream come true and the only way I could get it done before the surgeries because of the cost. I believe that God blesses those who bless others, and I like to think that my husband and I have done good things in this crazy world for others, and just maybe a little bit of karma will come back to us in the form of a beautiful little miracle that Dr. Monteith helps create 🙂

Linsay’s Tubal Reversal Grant Surgery

Unfortunately, Kenneth could not come with Linsay. Kenneth suffers from anxiety and PTSD and traveling away from home increases his symptoms. Instead Linsay’s mother, Laurel, traveled with her for surgery.

patient-traveled-to-raleigh-from-michigan-for-tubal-reversal-surgery-wth-dr-monteithWe require that one adult travel with patients when having tubal reversal at our center. Often partners cannot come and patients will bring a supportive friend or family member.

Linsay and Laurel arrived for Linsay’s consultation with Dr. Monteith on Wednesday December 15th. Her surgery was on Thursday December 16th.

Her surgery went extremely well. Linsay did not have any prior significant surgery that could have caused scar tissue and a more difficult surgical procedure. She also had tubal rings. Rings do not damage as much of the tubes as some other tubal ligation methods. The chances of pregnancy are the highest after reversal of tubal rings or tubal clips. Linsay’s surgery was about an hour and the estimated blood loss was less than three teaspoons.

Linsay’s rings were removed. Her tubes were each 10.5 cm. Linsay truly is a lucky person…she even won the longest tubes of the day award! Linsay did very well after surgery and was even posting selfies to the tubal reversal Facebook group several hours after surgery!

Linsay and Laurel returned home after the post-operative consultation with Dr Monteith on December 17th. The staff of A Personal Choice wish her well and we hope to hear good news from her in the near future.

Want A Chance To Win A Free Tubal Reversal Grant?

If you want to enter the Tubal Reversal Grant contest for 2022 then we will start accepting applications in January 2022.

We are constantly called to ask for a link. Many people say they can’t find it on our website.

All you have to do is go to the tubal reversal website of A Personal Choice. Click on the “About” section….and the second item to drop down will be “Free Reversal Surgery”. It is easy to find.

We look forward to receiving your application!

Need More Information About Tubal Reversal?

A Personal Choice Tubal Reversal Center is in Raleigh, North Carolina and specializes in tubal ligation, Essure, and vasectomy reversal surgery.

Dr. Monteith specializes in helping couples have more beautiful children with reversal surgery and helping women treat abnormal symptoms after their tubes have been tied!

If you would like more information about reversal, including the cost and success rates, then enter your email address below and you will be emailed more information about reversal.

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Join Our Facebook Group?

Women who need more advice about reversal are encouraged to join A Personal Choice’s public Facebook group:

Facebook Tubal Reversal Group of A Personal Choice

By joining the group you can communicate with other women who have had successfully reversed their tubal ligation and restored their natural fertility.

Have Questions? We’re Happy To Help!

We provide a unique surgical experience with personalized attention and one-on-one care. We make every effort to make your surgery less of a process and more of a life’s experience. Please use the buttons below for answers to our frequently asked questions.

Have a Question? Drop Us A Line!

If you are considering reversal surgery and have questions about the procedure, fill in the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can! If you would like to speak with a nurse for a Free Consultation then feel free to call us at (919) 977-5050.

Please view our most frequently asked questions before sending your questions.

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Surgery must be completed in the month the discount is provided. Discount is not available to previously scheduled surgeries.

You are welcome to send your medical records to us anytime using the information on our Contact Us page.

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