Posted: 04.07.09
Name: Heidi K.
Location: Lagro Indiana
Date of Tubal Reversal: 07/2004
Date of Pregnancy Test: 04/06/2009
Due Date: 12/17/2009
Remarks: I had my tubal reversal in the summer of either 2003 or 2004 and found out I was pregnant in November of that year. I miscarried in December of the same year. It is now 2009 and I just found out I am pregnant again at 38. I am trying to get the doctor to listen to me about getting the blood work done necessary but am having trouble getting him to listen. My level was 375.0 and am having another test done tomorrow. I am excited and scared of another miscarriage. Thank you very much for your help through these years and let Dr. Berger know he is a God send. My oldest son is now 18 and my youngest will be 16. I have wanted a baby for so long and was scared from the miscarriage before. I am doing a lot of praying. Any information to make me feel better about this would be welcome. Jennifer was wonderful on the phone tonight and very helpful to me.
Posted: 04.07.09
Name: Julia S.
Location: Talahassee Florida
Date of Tubal Reversal: 04/24/2008
Date of Pregnancy Test: 04/07/2009
Remarks: I am still in shock!
Posted: 04.07.09
Name: Jamie P.
Location: Winchester Virginia
Date of Tubal Reversal: April 2005
Date of Pregnancy Test: 4/7/09
Remarks: Wow, four years have past. I wasn’t expecting this. I was planning on starting back on the pill this month. I’m SHOCKED! I made an appointment w/my OB/GYN and they are doing an ultrasound on Thursday, 4/9/09 at 2:30 PM.
Posted: 04.06.09
Name: Gladys R.
Location: Jacksonville Florida
Date of Tubal Reversal: 10/2004
Date of Pregnancy Test: 04/06/2009
Due Date: 12/2009
Remarks: This is my fourth tubal reversal pregnancy. I have had one miscarriage and I have two beautiful daughters. I am expecting a baby in December 2009. We are praying for a son. Thank you so much to Dr. Berger and his staff.
Posted: 04.04.09
Name: Arlisa B.
Location: GRAY COURT South Carolina
Date of Tubal Reversal: 04/07/08
Date of Pregnancy Test: 04/01/09
Due Date: 12/13/2009
Remarks: I am so happy. I have my first set of numbers. They are 43 I hope that is a good number. Thank you again Dr. Berger and staff…
Posted: 04.04.09
Name: Candace C.
Location: Elk Garden West Virginia
Date of Tubal Reversal: 08/18/2008
Date of Pregnancy Test: 03/10/2009
Due Date: 11/21/2009
Remarks: I have already had an ultrasound and it did show the gestational+sac and yolk sac in my uterus. Thank you very much!!!
Posted: 04.03.09
Name: Mandy L.
Location: Burlington North Carolina
Date of Tubal Reversal: 01/23/2009
Date of Pregnancy Test: 04/02/2009
Remarks: No due date yet, appointment with OB/GYN on 4-6-2009
Posted: 04.03.09
Name: Adrianne L.
Location: Jacksonville Florida
Date of Tubal Reversal: 01/28/2008
Date of Pregnancy Test: 03/20/2009
Due Date: 11/25/2009
Remarks: Thanks for being such an awesome team. It was so encouraging to see how well every staff member at A Personal Choice worked together in caring for their patients. I commend you all for your professionalism, proficiency, and kindness. Also, the encouragement and support I have received in follow-up conversation is appreciated too. God bless every one of you!
Posted: 04.03.09
Name: Kim B.
Location: Simpsonville South Carolina
Date of Tubal Reversal: 09/15/2008
Date of Pregnancy Test: 04/03/2009
Posted: 04.03.09
Name: Sarah C.
Location: Moosup Connecticut
Date of Tubal Reversal: 09/22/2008
Date of Pregnancy Test: 04/02/2009
Due Date: 12/10/2009
Remarks: Thank you Dr. Monteith!!!
Posted: 04.03.09
Name: Bridget D.
Location: Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
Date of Tubal Reversal: 12-26-06
Date of Pregnancy Test: 04-01-09
Due Date: 12-09-09
Posted: 04.01.09
Name: Gwendolyn B.
Location: Merrill Wisconsin
Date of Tubal Reversal: 1/17/08
Date of Pregnancy Test: 4/1/09
Due Date: 12/12/09
Remarks: I just had a m/c last month… I am shocked to be pregnant again so soon.