“ALL of my PTLS symptoms went away.”
Posted 28th December, 2012
I got my TR to reverse the problems with PTLS, after which ALL of my symptoms went away! When I went in for my reversal surgery I had no plans of having another baby. After about 3 months from the surgery I started to want a baby so bad it hurt! I can not imagine my life without my new baby boy! None of this would have been possible without Doc Berger and his AMAZING staff!!
Thank you is not enough to express how I feel!
Jaime B.
Elizabethton, Tennessee
Doctor who performed reversal surgery: Dr. Berger
Date of your tubal reversal
Date of Baby’s Birth: 11/29/2012
Baby’s Name: Elijah Diovani
Baby’s Gender: Male
Baby’s Weight: 7.13
Baby’s Length: 21inc
Number of pregnancies since TR: 2
Outcome of previous TR pregnancy: miscarriage
Ligation method: Tubal coagulation (tubes burned)
More Information on Post Tubal Ligation Syndrome